I Survived the ACT

Riley Moore
3 min readFeb 24, 2021

Hey everyone, me again. Today I conquered the monster known as the ACT at my school. It also marked the second time of going physically to my school since last March (well besides when I took the PSAT in January). When I took the PACT last year, I figured I didn’t have to worry about that one because I knew it didn’t count and set a goal to study for the real one this year. Let’s be honest though, how could one study for the SAT and ACT?

Another honest thought here: Why do we even have to take these tests? Why are they required? Yes, I know that colleges look at them, and yes, I did strive to do the best I possibly could on them today, but what’s it proving? It’s not like we have a lot of other things on our plates as high school students, it’s not like we have other big exams that come up at the end of each semester. I’m just going to put this out there because I know there’s people who feel the same: I’m not the best tester. I get very easily distracted and I get very stressed whenever I see my grade drop due to a test that I didn’t do so well in. So, does standardized testing really have to be necessary?

It’s crazy how much time I’ll spend studying for tests and still don’t do too well on them, like what’s up with that? I just never seem to know what I’m doing wrong, and anytime I ask my teachers, I feel like I’m always getting the response of, “Oh, you’re just not understanding it right.” No kidding. I just wish there was a way to better show off my knowledge in something other than testing. The number of times my mind will wander off to think about something else, or a song will start playing on repeat in my head while I’m testing, is countless. When I took the ACT today, timing plays a huge role, so I had to stop myself every time I felt my mind drift.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is, I really don’t think the SAT and ACT should be mandatory to take, I’ve actually heard that some colleges don’t even require students to send in those scores, crazy right? I don’t know, this could just be me reflecting on going to school today, and taking the ACT. Which, by the way, I actually got to meet my teachers in person today, since I had never physically seen them prior. First thing my AP World teacher said to me was, “You’re shorter than I expected,” thanks Mr. G, how kind.

If you’re younger than me and reading this, let me give you a little tip for whenever you take the ACT, studying really won’t do much. I mean, unless you have some superpower and could memorize every mathematical equation known to man overnight. Otherwise, yeah, studying really doesn’t make much of a difference, because once you go in to that room and begin the test, you realize it’s just you against the clock. Maybe by the time you guys take it, it won’t be required, wouldn’t that be something. Well, here’s to hoping, my friends.



Riley Moore

Just a 17-year-old, trying her best to make the most out of quarantine.